Alessandro Tagliaferri was a 25-year old miner at the Sons of Gwalia Mine who died on 27 August 1924. He appeared to have a relative by the name of Guiseppe Tagliaferri at the same mine. Guiseppe was given letters of administration after Alessandro’s death, later Guiseppe applied for naturalisation in 1925.
On the 27th August 1924
On the 12th November 1936
Giovanni Tagliaferri, age 29yrs, died in hospital from injuries he received on November 10th in the Sons of Gwalia Gold Mine. Tagliaferri was working in the main south drive at the No. 28 level and had apparently fired four holes and was retreating to safety when on hole exploded while he was 90 feet from the face. Tagliaferri suffered lacerations to the back and broken ribs but his condition was not at first regarded as dangerous. he died at the Leonora District Hospital on November 12th 1932. An inquest was held at the Leonora Courthouse on Tuesday November 17th. Verdict was accidental death.
Allesandro and Giovanni were the sons of Luigi TAGLIAFERRI, a farmer and Elizabeth ARRIGONI. Its not know what became of the third brother Pietro, Peter but there was a Peter Tagliaferri who was the owner of the Kalgoorlie Wine Saloon in 1940. This could possibly be him.