Raymond Jeffrey BROWN
Age at Death32
Date Of Death25 May 1935 : Reg 96/1935 East Coolgardie (Kalgoorlie)
Place Of BirthMelbourne, Victoria
OccupationForeman miner
Name Of Mine On Which Last Employed
Mt Morgan GM, Western Australia
Diagnosis or cause of accident
Fractured skull as a result of falling down a shaft when overcome by fumes.
Place Of Burial
Widgiemooltha Cemetery, Western Australia
Submitted by
David McMillan - Volunteer
Cause of Death
Mine Accidents
Other Information
”That the jury is of the opinion that the three men, Ernest Albert Cooper, George Sawyer and Norman Allan, who assisted in saving the life of Gilbert and in bringing Brown to the surface, should be commended for their heroic effort."
Brown, Raymond Jeffrey. "More Lonely Graves of Western Australia" (2000) Coate, Yvonne & Kevin. Hesperian Press. Page 50.