Age at Death52
Date Of Death30 June 1927 : Reg 32/1927 Boulder
Place Of BirthRaywood, Victoria
Spouse's NameEthel CAIN, died 5 Aug 1933 buried with John.
Name Of Mine On Which Last Employed
Lake View & Star GM, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia
Diagnosis or cause of accident
Killed by premature explosion while setting charges. Michael WHITE died of injuries three weeks later.
Place Of Burial
Kalgoorlie Cemetery, Western Australia
Submitted by
Eric Chamberlain - Volunteer
Cause of Death
Mine Accidents
Mary Ann YUILL
Place of marriage
Boulder, WA -1911
Other Information
Family Notices:
HURLEY.— The friends of Mrs.Ethel Hurley are respectfully informed that the remains of her late dearly beloved husband (John) will be removed from his brother-in-law's (Mr. J. R. Cain) residence, 153 Piesse Street, Boulder, at 2 o'clock this day (Saturday) for interment in the Methodist portion of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. —I. W. Goss and Co., Undertakers, Boulder. Tel. 100.
HURLEY.— The friends of Mrs. M.A. Hurley, Snr, Mr. Dan Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hurley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hurley, Mr. And Mrs. W. J. Hurley, Mrs. Vickers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson (Fremantle), Mr. and Mrs. Martin Collins (Brown Hill) are respectfully informed that the remains of their late beloved son, brother, and brother-in-law respectively, John Hurley, will be removed from No.153 Piesse-street at 2 o'clock this day for the Kalgoorlie Cemetery.