
Henry John “Harry” NICKLESS

Age at Death30

Date Of Death25 May 1916 : Reg Boulder 59/1916

Place Of BirthIslington, Middlesex, London, England


  • Kalgoorlie Miner, Friday 26 May 1916, page 4

  • Kalgoorlie Western Argus, Tuesday 6 June 1916, page 24

  • Ships manifest:- Arrived Apr 1914 The Australind

  • Eastern Goldfields Miners Memorial at the WA Museum in Kalgoorlie WA - Photo Paul Doust

Name Of Mine On Which Last Employed
Great Boulder GM, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia

Diagnosis or cause of accident
Great Boulder Proprietary Fatality.—- Yesterday morning Mr.A. Stubbs, J.P., and a jury comprising Messrs. P. Refeld. J.Liphant, and M. Pearce. opened an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the fatality in the 2050 stope on the Great Boulder Propriety on Thursday, when Frederick JENKINS, aged 25, and Henry NICKLESS, aged 30, both shovellers, were instantaneously killed by a fall of rock. The bodies were viewed and the scene of the accident inspected, and afterward an adjournment was made until 10.30 a.m. on Tuesday. Both men are Englishmen, and Jenkins' parents reside in Kent.

Place Of Burial
Boulder Cemetery, Western Australia

Submitted by
Eric Chamberlain - Volunteer



Cause of Death
Mine Accidents

Felix NICKLESS:- Felix Nickless was born on 20 March 1856 in Hoxton, Middlesex, his father, Edwin, was 33 and his mother, Emily, was 33. He died as a young father on 25 January 1890 at the age of 33.

Sarah Ann NICKLESS nee ORROW married Felix NICKLESS on 17 June 1877 in Islington, Middlesex. They had six children in 10 years. Sarah Ann Orrow died in 1936 when she was 81 years old.

Other Information
Kalgoorlie Miner, Fri 26 May 1916
NICKLESS.— The friends of the late Harry Nickless are respectfully informed that his remains will be, removed from my undertaking establishment, No. 28 Burt-street, Boulder, at 11 o'clock this day (Saturday ), for interment in the Church of England portion of the Boulder Cemetery. — J. H. Greenwood, Boulder,

THANKS.— Mr. and Mrs. F. Nickless; desire to thank all friends who Assisted them in their sad bereavement. They wish particularly to express their gratitude to Mr. J. Shea, for his special assistance in the funeral arrangements and also to Mr. J. Silvester for his kindness.

Obituary. — The funerals of the late Messrs. Frederick Jenkins and Harry Nickless. victims of the late mining accident, took., place on last Saturday last in the Church of England- portion;: of the Boulder cemetery. The cortege moved From Mr. Greenwood's premises, Boulder, and was; attended by a large majority of the shift on, which the deceased had .'been working. The relations of the late deceased Frederick Jenkins reside;, at. North ', Shore, Sydney. The deceased Harry Nickless has 'resided in Boulder for some years; where he supported his mother, who has just left for a trip to England. A number of floral tributes were placed on both. graves, chiefly from their working mates and friends. The Rev. J. Boxall, of the Church of- England,, officiated at the graveside. He had two brothers and three sisters.

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