Mark John “Quinny” QUINN
Age at Death32
Date Of Death3 February 2006 - Photo Find a Grave
Place Of BirthBroken Hill, New South Wales
Australian Minerals Industry - SAFETY AND HEALTH QUARTER 3 • 2005-06 SAFETY SURVEY REPORT
Half of workers killed on WA mine sites had inexperienced bosses TREVOR PADDENBURG PerthNow March 8, 2014
Eastern Goldfields Miners Memorial at the WA Museum in Kalgoorlie WA
Eastern Goldfields Miners Memorial at the WA Museum, Kalgoorlie WA - Photo Paul Doust
Name Of Mine On Which Last Employed
Leinster Nickel Operations, Leinster, Western Australia
Diagnosis or cause of accident
3 FEBRUARY 2006 - A 32 year old senior charge-up operator received fatal injuries when an explosion occurred while he was
attempting to assemble an impact cannon adjacent to a hung-up ore pass in an underground nickel mine. The deceased had
intended to use the cannon to fire an explosive projectile into the ore pass. Evidence indicates that the projectile detonated in the
barrel of the cannon.
Place Of Burial
Broken Hill Cemetery, New South Wales
Submitted by
David McMillan - Volunteer
Cause of Death
Mine Accidents
Graeme QUINN
Marilyn Fay DICKSON