George Charles Otto ADOLPH
Age at Death41
Date Of Death15 November 1904 : Reg North East Coolgardie 28/1904
Place Of BirthKapunda, South Australia
Spouse's NameEllen GOODFELLOW - was born on 29 September 1865 in Riverton, South Australia, the daughter of Edward. She married Charles Otto George James ADOLPH on 5 June 1888 in Marrabel, South Australia. She died on 1 March 1955 in South Australia at the age of 89.
Kalgoorlie Miner, Wednesday 16 November 1904, page 3
Inquest pg 1: Kalgoorlie Miner, Monday 21 November 1904, page 3
Inquest pg 2 : Kalgoorlie Miner, Monday 21 November 1904, page 3
Inquest pg 3 : Kalgoorlie Miner, Monday 21 November 1904, page 3
Eastern Goldfields Miners Memorial at the WA Museum, Kalgoorlie WA - Photo Paul Doust
Name Of Mine On Which Last Employed
White Feather Main Reef GM, Kanowna, Western Australia
Diagnosis or cause of accident
Fell down the mineshaft after missing his footing.
Place Of Burial
Kanowna Cemetery, Western Australia
Submitted by
Eric Chamberlain - Volunteer
Cause of Death
Mine Accidents
Frederick August ADOLPH
Wilhelmina Christiana STIEF
Place of marriage
5 June 1888 in Marrabel, South Australia
Other Information
With sickening regularity, the fatal accidents in connection with the mining industry continue. Since our last issue, three valuable lives have been lost—Charles Adolph fell down a shaft at Kanowna and was picked up dead, Samuel Eddy was blown to pieces at the South Kalgurli, and L. Evans was mangled by the machinery at the Horseshoe and died in the hospital. Truly a curse hangs over the yellow metal. Would we were able to do without it.
- Westralian Worker Fri 25 Nov 1904
LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION. - Earl of Hopetoun Lodge, No.3. All members of the above are requested to meet at the Lodge Room for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late Bro. Charles Adolph, which leaves the White Feather Hospital at half-past 3. By order W.M.
The members of the Kanowna Miners' Union (A.W.A.) are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their late comrade CHARLES ADOLPH to move from the White Feather Hospital at 3.30 o'clock This (Wednesday) Afternoon, for interment in the local cemetery. D. M. Wilson, Secretary.
1903 electoral roll
Name Charles Adolph
Gender Male
Electoral Year 1903
Subdistrict Kanowna
State Western Australia
District Kalgoorlie
Country Australia